Sunday, May 07, 2006


i dont know why but i suddenly feel like blogging. haha. must be so weird but oh wells this feeling is like so rare then must as well blog. i dont know what's wrong with me this week. last week was great. and i am saying all these is about internal gan jue. outside i'm still alright. even inside is alright but i dont want it to be just alright. i want it to be good. maybe others would not understand what i'm talking about, but it's just this thing inside that you dont feel so rooted to your purpose, though not totally out. so i really must get down to my knees and pull myself closer to Him once again i guess. i still look forward to meeting God but the passion has drawn back a little weeny bit. and i dont like it. simply cant stand it. argh. but it all lies with me i guess. =)

like just now service said, prosperity does not mean only financially but in every aspect: spirit, soul, body, finances, relationships, etc. and the crucial factor is the soul- the way you think. we need to have our mind renewed to start looking at things in a different perspectives cos only then that we can truly change our life. i think it's very true. haha. so i shall try to apply it yea?

choir concert is coming up in 2 weeks time!! so exciting! but also our last project together and these few weeks we have really gone through it together. i knew a day like wednesday will surely come, and truly it did. hmm. but i guess we really deserve it la. no sense of urgency at all, discipline not too good. =(=( but we will buck up for sure. too bad this week i wont be around to sing with the choir and to struggle together to make this concert a successful one, for the sake of the school, the choir, Ms Lim, ourselves and most importantly our love. without it we would really be dead. no love = no music = no hwa chong. =(

i'm going to melbourne tomorrow. i know it's super inapt that i'm going in the middle of school term. what to do? dad got wedding dinner in mel and since this week got election day hol on mon, sports day on thu and vesak day on fri, he ask us to go over too. at the same time also can go and look at the universities. going to mel u, monash, u syd, unsw. haha. but a bit waste money hor~!! aiya, nvm. ticket and hotel all book le. looking forward to it! =)

nest thing up would be australia, concert, emerge, study study study. but EMERGE!!! argh!! I want to emerge to a different person, up a notch spiritually after EMERGE!! muahahaha. i shall EMERGE!!! =)

take care and God blesss. =))
